
Fox News Sunday Transcript | August 3, 2014

Fox News Sunday Transcript | August 3, 2014

chris wallace foxnewssunday

Ebola is discussed.

Immigration is discussed.

REP. JOHN BOEHNER (R-OH), HOUSE SPEAKER: They are trying to rally their people to give money and to show up in this year's elections. We have no plans to impeach the president. We have no future plans. Listen, it's all a scam started by Democrats at the White House.

Donkey | A Fitting Symbol for Democrats


Chicago…An example of Democrat government.


The building in the video is the Chicago’s Communist Party headquarters.

Barry Soetoro, “Thank you. How’s everybody doing today? inaudible…one of the best congressmen in our country, and the reason he’s one of the best congressmen is…he shares our values.”

Danny K. Davis is currently a member of congress.

The aide to Davis is wearing an Obama jacket.


O’Reilly | Interviews Obama Before the Superbowl

Please look back and think.


Obama: regarding Obamacare website “It got fixed in a month and a half.” “Now, it’s working the way that it is supposed to.”

Sibelius resigned.

Benghazi: Obama, “People don’t know what is happening.” Then, why did he pretend that he knew that the attack was caused by the video?

O’Reilly Video July 31, 2014 | Marxist Obama Included


President to be Sued

President to be Sued

Obama sued

I’m interested in the reaction to the lawsuit, which will be filed against Barry Soetoro.

The Messiah is being sued.

The president, elected the second time, will be sued.

The US House of Representatives voted 215-201 to sue Barry Soetoro. Six people; No Vote




The US House of Representatives | H.Res.676 | Voted 225-201 to Sue President Obama

The US House of Representatives | H.Res.676 | Voted 225-201 to Sue President Obama

obama pain in the

Democrats argued that the lawsuit is a stunt, that more important issues should have been considered, that the lawsuit was a step toward impeaching the president, that money was going to be wasted, and that judges should not make decisions in disputes between the legislature and the executive branches. Democrats will find out. Violation of the constitution is a serious matter. A lawsuit will be filed.

Some Democrats said that the US House of Representatives lacked standing in a lawsuit against the president. They don’t know. The US House of Representatives may or may not have standing. The courts will decide.

The US Supreme Court is in recess until October, and will accept or reject cases then.

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