
Looking Back at the Cliven Bundy Event;

Looking Back at the Cliven Bundy Event




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  1. I have been an observer for over 50 years, talked to many people, read widely, and can contemplate on what I have learned..Our current social and Country wide situation of the Government has not happened over night.
    If you ignore history, ignore the fall of other Countries and civilizations, history will repeat itself.
    Admiral Yamamoto told his leaders that they could never be successful attacking America because there was a gun behind every blade of grass.
    When Socialism began in the early 1800's by a Belgian Professor, it started as an intellectual debate that grew to how to control a society. Every attempt to form a socialistic "Commune" has failed. Yet the intelligentsia still are fooled in to thinking they can do it better. It is the intelligentsia who propagate the ideology. It is the leaders who have been educated by them who take the power away from the people.
    This has been so since man began in caves then villages to Cities and Countries.

    Five Socialist communes were tried in different ways in Texas in the mid 1850's and the name of one still exists, Utopia, TX. Founded by a German group. They all failed and disappeared because of flawed leadership and inherent corruption.
    Our Countries experience with social reform began with the first unions in early 1900's and with John L. Lewis who formed the Miners union and the A.F.L.
    It has progressed from the intellectual debate to an ideology taught in the upper educational system to now being taught in preschool by generations of liberally educated.

    The pattern is there, from Hegel to Marx, to Lenin and Stalin, to Lewis, Alinsky, and to Obama. But all are the product of an infection far more than the individual. None could have done or accomplished what they have done alone.

    Our founders specifically wrote the Constitution and Federal papers to prevent the Government from becoming what it has become. From taking control away from the individual, away from the majority.
    The incident with Bundy is only a sample of the force to be used again the citizenry To take that control by a small minority who believe in their godhood to change society.

    1. Thank you Anthony. There's still a spark of Freedom in our country. Trey Gowdy, Democrats who don't like Obama, and the Veteran's Administration are evidence.
      Recent US Supreme Court decisions are evidence. Prayer in meetings is allowed. The Little Sisters of the Poor do not have to provide contraception. More US Supreme Court decisions are imminent.
      It'll be interesting to see what Harry Reid does in regard to the law passed in the House to make firing VA employees possible.


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